Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Use class .label
for get desire text.
Example heading New
Example heading New
Example heading New
Example heading New
Example heading New
Example heading New
Use class .label
and for colors label-success & .label-light-success
for get desire label.
Default Default
Primary Primary
Success Success
Info Info
Warning Warning
Danger Danger
Use class .label .label-rounded
and for colors label-success
for get desire label.
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Simple pagination
To make pagination give class pagination
to ul
Working with icons
To make pagination give class pagination
to ul
Disabled and active states
To make pagination active or disable give class .disabled & .active
to ul
Sizing Large
Fancy larger or smaller pagination? Add.pagination-lg
for additional sizes.
Sizing Small
Fancy larger or smaller pagination? Add.pagination-sm
for additional sizes.
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Image with round corner

Image with circle
Make sure the image is square not ractangle

Image with Thumbnail

Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Special title treatment
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
Go somewhereSpecial title treatment
With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
Go somewhereDropdowns
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
# | First Name | Last Name | Username | Role |
1 | Deshmukh | Prohaska | @Genelia | admin |
2 | Deshmukh | Gaylord | @Ritesh | member |
3 | Sanghani | Gusikowski | @Govinda | developer |
4 | Roshan | Rogahn | @Hritik | supporter |
5 | Joshi | Hickle | @Maruti | member |
6 | Nigam | Eichmann | @Sonu | supporter |
Here you can check Demos we created based on WrapKit. Its quite easy to Create your own dream website & dashboard in No-time.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.